
FoodSaver is continuously innovating to provide forward-thinking products that delight our consumers.  We have a rich portfolio of patents on our products.  Please find below our patent listings by Model Number.

Patent Listings by Model (October 1, 2021): — Click here to download

 Compliance with 35 U.S.C. 287:  The attached list identifies certain FoodSaver Products by model number with their associated Intellectual Property, including U.S. patent publications, and/or granted patents (utility and design).  The list contains publicly available information and is posted on this website free of charge.  This list is provided in compliance with the virtual patent marking provisions of 35 USC 287. 

How to use the list:  To find Intellectual Property on this list, locate the model number on the product and search for it (or model number series) on the list. Please note that this list may not be all-inclusive and some model numbers may not be associated with any corresponding Intellectual Property. 

Updates to the list:  The list will be updated on a regular basis.  Please note, however, that because of the changing nature of the patent and product development processes, the status of the Intellectual Property on the list may not be current at a specific time due to, for example: new filings, publications, issuances, product changes, expiration, or abandonment.  Further, the absence of any intellectual property from this list does not prevent enforcement of any legal rights associated with the Intellectual Property.